If you were at our Winter Partner Meeting this month, you already know that big changes are afoot at SVP Seattle.
Since 2021, we’ve pursued a reimagined vision for the future of our organization and how we practice philanthropy, while continuing to put collaboration and collective action at the center of everything we do.
Our relaunched and refreshed New Grants Committee has been an ideal opportunity to put our reimagined vision into action.
“Radical transparency is very important to create change in philanthropy.”
Robert White, Chair of Nominations Subgroup, New Grants Committee
Twenty six people – a mix of SVP Partners, grantees, non-profit staff, and SVP staff and board – were part of our 2021 NGC. We embraced the idea of creating a grantmaking pilot, to develop new ways of making grants that incorporate trust-based philanthropy. We’re excited to share the process we developed and lessons learned with you in our new report, below.
Interested in getting involved in grantmaking? Applications are open now for our Collaborative Grantmaking Cohorts. You can also contact us or join an upcoming event to get involved with SVP Seattle; we’re excited to continue to learn and share with our community.