Become an SVP Partner

We work to learn, act and advocate to create a more racially just region.

What is an SVP Partner?

SVP Seattle Partners give time, talent, treasure, and ties to create change. We do this by giving treasure through pooled philanthropy and direct gifts to community partner organizations, giving talent in the form of skilled volunteering and acting as advocates, and giving ties by connecting our networks to SVP Seattle and our community partners.

Why Become an SVP Partner?

We can do more, together. A one-time gift to a cause or organization is always meaningful, but by pooling our resources we can do so much more! As a Partner you can be part of BIG change by giving, volunteering, and directly co-creating the future of our collective philanthropy via grantmaking committee service and Partner-led working groups.


Step 1

Step 1

Attend a New Partner Info Session. Visit our events page to find an upcoming session.

Step 2

Meet with an SVP staff or board member

Step 3

Step 3

Complete a New Partner Form and make your personally significant gift
Fill out the form

Step 4

Step 4

Choose your own adventure! Connect with a team member to get involved in advocacy, grantmaking/ giving circles, volunteering, and more!

Is your company interested in becoming an SVP Partner?
Download our Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities sheet.

How much does it cost?

We ask Partners to give a monetary donation to the work based on their resources and capacity. As a primarily Partner-supported nonprofit, we cannot do our work without your generosity! Donations ensure we can employ leads for our program areas, build impactful training, give meaningful grants, and connect you to engaging volunteer opportunities.

We encourage each of our Partners to think about a personally significant gift each year and what it can do to change the future of philanthropy and our region. Some people think of their personally significant gift as a percentage (3-10%) of their annual or monthly income. Others see it as a commitment to our community and want to anchor at a certain amount, or want to start giving now, knowing they will have more flexibility later.

For us to do our work, we need each of our Partners to give an average of $5,000/year (About $420/month), but we recognize that this locks out many who have less access to wealth, while being less significant for those with more wealth access.

Here's What a Gift Can Do at SVP Seattle


helps support programming and underwrite our grantmaking


helps support programming
for you and another community member


helps support programs and learning opportunities for one person


helps us hold community building events


helps us connect with more
people via email and other communications


helps us keep our lights on and
our WiFi up

We would love to talk to you about what is meaningful for YOU and how we can help you move ahead on your own philanthropic journey at SVP Seattle.