Photo / Merrill Images
SVP is in the business of connecting people to local nonprofits, and every so often we get to see those relationships and connections come full circle.
Almost a year ago, an introduction turned into a $125,000 grant to one of our investees, Open Arms Perinatal Services. It was exciting news for all of us as it highlighted the ripple effect of our work. SVP Partner Heidi Stolte was first introduced to Open Arms through SVP’s kindergarten readiness grant committee in 2012. They weren’t selected that year, but they were in 2014. And after attending an SVP site visit to the agency in 2016, Heidi invited Open Arms to apply for a capacity building grant from her family foundation.
At the time Heidi said, “I learned from SVP the importance of capacity building grants and what to look for when evaluating an organization. As a former teacher, PEPS leader and a mom raising two kids, I believe strongly in programs that support parents and families. Open Arms has a unique approach to addressing inequities very early, before gaps widen, with critical prenatal education and support during the first months and years of life.”
Open Arms has since used the funding support to build a more robust evaluation system – positioning them to apply for larger grants and even greater impact. Moreover, the data that Open Arms has compiled is profound, sharing the dramatic positive impact of their Outreach Doula Program.