At SVP, we talk about sharing our time, talent, treasure, and ties. But did know you there is another ‘T?’
Our testimonials.
Testimonials are the words we share in support of the non-profits and issues we care about deeply. We use our testimonials at fundraising events, in social media posts, and in one-on-one conversations. At SVP, we’re also using voices to advocate for issues to policy makers so that we can change the systems to make them equitable and just.
In February, we had the opportunity to share our testimonials at Have a Heart for Kids Advocacy Day in Olympia, WA in support of our non-profit organizational partner Children’s Alliance. Learn about the power of becoming an advocate in a recent op-ed featuring Have a Heart Day in Seattle Child’s by SVP’s Vice Chair Tali Rausch.

Pictured above are SVP Partners Cathy Habib, David Habib, Lisa Merrill, Terri Cole, Emeka Alozie, Wakana Yamaguchi, Renee Russak and SVP staff Leti Ocampo Villamar and Emiko Atherton. Photos: Merrill Images.

“What a day! What a wonderful day! There’s nothing I’d rather be doing than fighting for and advocating for children to have access to a better life, a better way of living, and a future where they can see, witness, and come to love how big and wonderful they are, and how wonderful the world is! And there isn’t a better group to be doing it with. I loved speaking alongside Renee to our 43rd District legislators and getting to know the SVP team. We are truly a force—a force for change when we come together.”
-Emeka Alozie, SVP Seattle Partner
(pictured left with SVP Partner Renee Russak)