Join us for a “BELONG Partners Learning Circle.” (BELONG Partners was formerly Sound Discipline) An opportunity for informal dialogue with a smallish circle of friends of BELONG Partners (formerly Sound Discipline). We’ll explore how we move toward a world that works for everyone because our freedom, joy, and struggles are deeply connected.
Our topic will be moral injury and the role of community in healing. When you let us know you are coming we’ll send you a Scientific American article that explores this idea as it relates to the military and health care – and we hope to explore it as it relates to education. There was another article recently in the New York times that is similar. It is here – you might read it substituting “educational system” for “medical system.”
We’ll provide some thought questions prior to the event.
June 25th from 6-8 PM
The home of Jody McVittie (Address to be sent upon registration)
We’ll provide beverages and heavy hors d’oeuvres (there will be plenty of food!)
The conversation will be hosted by Jody McVittie and Stacy Lappin. Jody is a co-founder of BELONG Partners (formerly Sound Discipline) and Stacy is the Director of Program at BELONG Partners.
We hope you can come!
Please RSVP to by Friday, June 21st, so we can make appropriate food arrangements.