As we reflect on the past year, there’s an incredible amount to celebrate in our collective work. With over 100 dedicated volunteers active across our region, the pooling of $100,000 in grant funds, and an additional $175,000+ in leveraged funds distributed to local nonprofits, we’ve truly made a significant impact. Our monthly learning opportunities have engaged our full Partnership in addressing key policy issues that affect us all. This is just the beginning!

Amplifying Impact
Our volunteers have been instrumental in enhancing the capacities of local nonprofits. Their expertise in various fields has directly contributed to the success of these organizations.
- Partners Maleah Jackson and Kelly Chang applied their extensive nonprofit experience to assist STEM Paths Innovation Network (SPIN) in fundraising, board recruitment, and strategic planning.
- Kelly Jones employed her data visualization skills to provide Look Listen + Learn with deeper insights into their viewership statistics.
- The team of Steve Hill, Alexa Carver, and Tali Rausch played a pivotal role in leadership and board development for Refugee Artisan Initiative.
Pooling our Giving
We’ve successfully pooled $100,000 to support our multi-year grantees, including United Indians of All Tribes, Washington Building Leaders for Change (WA-Bloc), Supporting Partnerships in Education and Beyond, SPIN, Look Listen + Learn, and Choose 180.
Special thanks go to Lead Partners Terri Cole and Sam McVeety for supporting our graduating grantees, United Indians and WA-Bloc. Their journey with us showcases the transformative power of SVP’s model of giving.
Leveraging Dollars
Our efforts have further directed an additional $175,000 of unrestricted funding to our grantees and nonprofit partners, including Dignity for Divas, Refugee Artisan Initiative, SPIN, and Renton Innovation Zone Partnership.
A highlight includes SVP Treasurer John Clements securing a $25,000 grant from the PWC Foundation for SPIN.
Deepening our Learning
This year, we launched an educational series on poverty and wealth inequality, attracting over 50 participants. This initiative is a step towards advocating for policies aimed at reducing wealth inequality.
Connecting as a Community
Strengthening our bonds, both within our organization and with the broader community remains a priority. Our Spring celebration at the Daybreak Star Cultural Center was a testament to this, marking a memorable occasion where many Partners and grantees connected for the first time.
In Gratitude
As we close another remarkable year at SVP, I want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for your unwavering support and commitment. Your dedication fuels our mission and inspires a brighter future for our community.