Posted by nataliep — April 7, 2021
Image: Person wearing mask and gloves holding sign stating, “Feed the Beach, Free Hot Food RBCC Tues & Thurs from 1-3.” Used with permission from WA-BLOC staff
Change takes time. That’s why SVP Seattle engages nonprofits in multi-year relationships. The Portfolio Grant Committee (PGC) is a group of SVP Partners that meet monthly and conduct bi-annual meetings with Investees to track local nonprofit trends and measure progress toward the capacity building goals.
Throughout December and January, the Portfolio Grant Committee conducted mid-year check-ins with all capacity building investees. The mid-year is a chance to learn more about how SVP Seattle can best support the organization’s capacity building vision and anticipate the changing needs of organizations. This year, several themes emerged as we reflect on the one-year anniversary of the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic:
- Investees continue to shift their programs and work to serve direct community need
- Programming and engagement will remain virtual until vaccines are more widely distributed, and disease rates have dropped
- The transition back to in-person activities will be different for each Investee. Visit the links below to learn more about some changes
Image: A group of young people wearing gloves and masks are looking at the camera from under a canopy at one of the Feed the Beach lunch sites. Used with permission from WA-BLOC staff
The impacts of COVID-19 and the awakening of the racial justice movement in 2020 have made a greater case for support of organizations led by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color who are serving the community directly impacted by institutional racism. The impacts include the disparities seen in the shift to virtual education, income loss, unmet childcare needs for essential workers, healthcare access and treatment disparities, and housing insecurity.
“While 2020 has been a challenging year, this year has given [us] the opportunity to engage more individual donors and a louder platform to show up for restorative justice” -Laura Wright, Executive Director, WA-BLOC
The PGC continues to observe how and when Investees receive local funding. Funding from the King County levy that provided support through Best Starts for Kids (BSK), is completed for the 2015-2021 round and is due for renewal. Several Investees have been receiving BSK funding for their programs and need to anticipate changes to their budgets.
To learn more about our work in support of Investees and how to establish trusting relationships with organizations, please join us at a special learning session with the PGC: Trust-Based Philanthropy with Nicole Keenan and Roxana Norouzi. Learn more and RSVP for this important conversation.
As part of the check-ins, Investees shared some of their progress and upcoming events. Visit some of our Investee links below to support and learn more.

Visit the newly launched online Sacred Circle Gifts and Arts page by United Indians of All Tribes Foundation.

Last year, SPEB had to cancel their inaugural fundraiser due to COVID-19. Instead, they pivoted to focus on supporting their community through the pandemic. SPEB is hosting two virtual fundraisers to celebrate their new name, recent victories, and excitement for the future. Save-the date and spread the word for SPEB’s Community Harvest Fundraiser!

Washington Green Schools has a new name, logo, and colors to center youth as changemakers for environmental justice: Becoming EarthGen

More support is needed to continue WA-BLOC “Feed the Beach” program supplying meals to Rainier Beach students and families through the summer. Donate HERE