Current COVID-19 Priorities

Posted by Zach Grossnickle — April 1, 2020

Support SVP Investees

Below is a list the SVP Investees who are in need of support due to the impact from COVID-19. Please consider donating and increase your support. Many Investees are looking for quick volunteer advice and resources on things such as coordinating remote teams, IT and computer advice and set-up, crisis communications and marketing, financial planning and scenario planning. Please contact Mike Quinn at to learn more about any of the emerging needs of Investees.

Updated: March 30th, 2020

  • United Indians has lost significant earned income during this crisis and is moving their 50th celebration, Annual Gala, and Mini-Pow Wow to a 1 week online fundraiser kicking off May 9th. This will help them plug the hole in their operational budget needs while they continue to serve the community. You can donate now or during fundraiser at (Please see list of all current needs of UIATF HERE)
  • EACS is raising emergency dollars as they are responding to evolving needs of their community (see the Seattle Times article)
  • WA Bloc raising money to help partner with local POC businesses to provide to-go meals for students on Tuesday and Thursday. If you are interested supporting them contact Laura Wright.
  • SWYFS created a Community Response Fund. Your special gift today to the SWYFS COMMUNITY RESPONSE FUND will go to work for those in need during this unprecedented time.
  • Others are looking for quick volunteer advice and resources on things such as coordinating remote teams, IT and computer advice and set-up, crisis communications and marketing, financial planning and scenario planning. Please contact Mike Quinn at to learn more about any of the emerging needs of Investees.

Cancelled Events: Updated March 16th

Futurewise – Livable Community 30th Anniversary Luncheon
Scheduled for March 6, Cancelled

Donate Here

United Indians of All Tribes Foundation- Takeover Commemoration: 50th Anniversary
Scheduled for March 8, Cancelled

Donate Here

Washington Green Schools – Spring Fundraising Breakfast
Scheduled for March 25, Cancelled

Donate Here

Somali Parents Education Board
Inaugural Fundraiser

Scheduled for March 27, Cancelled

Donate Here

Communities in Schools – Seattle
Empower, Achieve, Succeed Breakfast

April 23 – still scheduled

Learn More

East African Community Services – This organization is providing homework help, limited child care, translation services, food, diapers and other supplies for families. They are both offering and in need of help. You can find out more.
See more on their website for their immediate asks