Poverty & Wealth Inequality in Washington State

Introducing SVP Seattle’s Fall 2023 Learning Series:
Poverty & Wealth Inequality in Washington State
Why is there so much poverty in the world’s wealthiest country? And what can we do about it?
Social and economic inequities are often the result of systems that create barriers to change. Philanthropists can play a powerful role in pushing for real solutions that address underlying systemic barriers.
That’s why SVP is hosting a series focused on wealth inequality. Come learn about the roots of wealth inequality from a range of experts, philanthropists, and community leaders. Bring your questions and curiosity as we discuss the range of solutions proposed at the policy and legislative levels.
Join SVP Seattle’s fall learning series to understand the roots of persistent poverty and growing wealth inequality, and what we can do to change wealth distribution in our region.
All are welcome to join us!
To make our event accessible to everyone who wants to attend, we ask for a sliding scale donation to cover event costs.
- $100 – True cost of the event + pay for someone else
- $50 – True cost of the event
- $25 – One (1) ticket
- $0 – Ticket, no charge
You can make your donation here: donatenow.networkforgood.org/svpseattle
SVP Seattle’s Fall 2023 Learning Series Events
Foundational Understanding of Wealth Inequality
September 13, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
We are excited to have Anne Price kick-off our series with a look at the underlying foundation of wealth in the US. She has spent 25 years in the public sector working on child welfare, hunger, welfare reform, workforce development, community development and higher education. She currently serves as Co-President and Founder of The Maven Collaborative, an organization working to fully dismantle racial and gender inequality within our economy.
Book Giveaway:
The first 25 people to register and attend the first of the series — Foundations of Wealth Inequality on September 13th — will receive a copy of Poverty, by America, by Matthew Desmond. This new book explores systemic poverty in the United States and the role that more fortunate Americans play in perpetuating the endurance of persistent poverty.
Philanthropy and Wealth Inequality
October 18, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
SVP Partners will share with us their relationship with wealth and what they are trying to do to address systemic poverty and wealth inequality. Speakers include Cathy & David Habib and Sri Remala of the Satya and Rao Remala Foundation.
What’s Going On: Policy Considerations to Address Wealth Inequality
November 9, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Come hear from community leaders about both why we need to and how we can put in place policies and programs that help people overcome systemic poverty and wealth inequality. There are several programs that we know have been very effective and some creative ideas are being proposed such as Baby Bonds and a Guaranteed Basic Income. In addition, Washington State has one of the most regressive tax structures in the US. Many are taking note and proposing real solutions for our state legislature to contemplate in the upcoming 2024 session, including a wealth tax, reformed estate tax, and other ideas.
Getting Ready to Advocate for Washington State Legislation Addressing Wealth Inequality
November 27, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Your voice is critical and can have an impact – especially at the state level. Learn how to advocate with your elected representatives and when your voice can have the most impact during the state legislative session. We will also share the landscape of local organizations that are working on these issues and who have dedicated advocacy activities and events.
Many of us donate to food banks to ensure that people in our community are not going hungry. Want to participate in long term systems change, which would mean fewer hungry people? Join us as we use our collective knowledge to bring our collective SVP voice to bear in the upcoming 2024 State Legislature legislation session (January-March 2024).